Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Stink at Blogging....

Well, despite all my good intentions, I just never seem to have time to keep up with blogging.  I've been working a crazy lot lately, and I've been working out with any leftover free time.

The 5k was nothing short of amazing.  I cannot begin to tell you the emotions that were running through me as I crossed that finish line.  In a word, addictive :)  It was my first race, but no way will it ever be my last.  I already have 5 on my calendar for 2014, and that's just for starters!  I told my husband I want the Monster Series for Christmas!  Great way to keep me motivated all year long.

Running has been a wonderful addition to my family, and a wonderful subtraction on the scale.  At the time of this article, I am down 57 pounds!  WOOHOO!  My husband is down about 20 and he's still running too.  My foot issues (plantar fasciitis) have kept me from pounding the pavement, but I have been biking.  Put on about 80 miles on the old pink bucket this week.

It's starting to get pretty cold here, so I've been trying to adjust ways to make it so that I can keep biking, and I can honestly hear my mother chuckling from heaven.  When we were kids, we were SUPER dirt poor.  Couldn't afford fancy moon boots (the equivalent of Uggs in the late 70's) and instead, I was that dorky kit that had to go around with Wonder bread wrappers on my feet.  Well, after having to call my husband to come get me on Thursday because my toes were frostbit, I bucked up and put plastic baggies in between my two pairs of socks and inside my mittens.  Perfect cheap fix!!!

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